Union Glacier 2014

Second Campaing at Union Glacier Camp
The campaign at Union Glacier Camp (79°46’ S; 82°52’ W) was aimed at studying the reflectivity of the Antarctic snow. The camp is located in the southern Ellsworth Mountains on the broad expanse of Union Glacier; 3,030 km from the southern tip of Chile and just about 1,000 km from the South Pole. The campaign required shipping roughly 300 Kg of equipment that was used to carry out quality-controlled spectral measurements of the downwelling and upwelling radiance by using a double monochromator-based spectroradiometer.
About the Team
Marta Caballero Pamela Hernández Edgardo Sepúlveda
José Jorquera
Juan Rayas 
Jorge Ferrer
Sarah Feron
Raúl R. Cordero.